Online Wedding Inquiry / Đơn Đặt Lịch Lễ Cưới Online

Thank You / Cảm Ơn Quí Khách

Thank you for your wedding inquiry at Mövenpick Resort Cam Ranh. Our wedding specialists team will be in touch with you within 24 business hours to discuss your event further.

Cảm ơn quí khách đã gửi yêu cầu đặt lịch lễ cưới trực tuyến tại Mövenpick Resort Cam Ranh. Nhóm chuyên gia của chúng tôi sẽ liên lạc với bạn trong vòng 24 giờ làm việc để thảo luận thêm về sự kiện của quí khách.

Trust Your Special Day With Our Dedicated Wedding Specalists

Romance is served at Mövenpick Resort Cam Ranh, where our team of professionals take care of all the delicious details, from cooking up the big plan to adding the finishing touches.

For your piece of mind, every wedding has a dedicated wedding specialist who is there to make your spectacular day unforgettable including:

 Dedicated Planning Support

 Themeing and Design Support

 Menu Development and Tasting

 Wedding Rehearsals and Planning

 Accommodation Rooming & Guest Planing

 Wedding Day Support and Management
